Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Final reminder: Mahaney Birthday tomorrow

Please bring a flower for a bouquet to give to Heather tomorrow. We'll sign a card in carpool--front of the castle. Do cupcakes around the lunch hour.

Ginny and Blair

Mahaney's Birthday is TOMORROW!

Thank you Linda Fuller for pointing out that Heather's Birthday is tomorrow, not later in April. Yikes. April Fool's on me.

I need everyone to bring in a flower and we will assemble an arrangement for her. Also, if you normally drop off in the serpentine, please drop your child off in the FRONT of the Randall House tomorrow as I'll be there with a card for all of Mahaney's class to sign and collecting flowers. Or, have your child walk around to sign it.

We will be by in the day to present the card and have some cupcakes.


Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Heather Mahaney wedding

Ginny Hobbs
2 Harris Glen
Atlanta, GA  30327
(H) 404-262-0614
(C) 404-245-3075

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Blair Robbins" <>
Date: March 30, 2010 8:14:49 AM EDT
To: "'Ginny Hobbs'" <>
Subject: RE: Mahaney stuff

We are doing well.  The auction basket is great.  I am supposed to ask for
volunteers to help stage the basket the day of the auction, but I think I'll
just handle it - it can't be that hard!  I also need to do the shopping with
parent donation money.  Holly Mitchell and I talked about it - liquor store
gift card, car detail, maybe a couple of other things.

Thanks for coming up with such a thoughtful way to celebrate Heather's
marriage and bday!  It all sounds great to me.  And thank you too for
hosting on May 2.  What can I do to help with that? Why don't we meet for
coffee/lunch and have a planning session?  Any day next week would be great
- let me know.

In case you need it, my cell is 404-354-0083.
Thanks for doing all of this!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ginny Hobbs []
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 10:29 PM
To: Blair Robbins
Subject: Mahaney stuff

Hope you are well. How are you. I never see you but know you are crazy
involved in so much stuff. Let me know how auction basket is. Any loose ends
need tying up.  Please read email below and give me your ideas and thoughts.
We decided at the Grade rep meeting to do the May 2nd party. Hope that is

As you know by now, Ms. Mahaney will tie the knot in May. Mike and I will
host an end of year parent/teacher (just 2nd grade teachers only) party on
Sunday, May 2nd for all 2nd grade parents. It will be a Mexican theme and
there will be a modest cost associated with it.  
(Please mark your calendars) At that time, Blair and I would like to present
Heather with a gift from the parents. We will begin collecting a
contribution from each parent (optional) beginning after the Easter break.

We will also be asking each child in the class to prepare an "original"
piece of artwork depicting what they think makes a good marriage. We will
create a "book" titled the Top 20 Things That Make A Good Marriage for
Heather Mahaney! Something like this. Be original, put the word or words up
at the top of the page. Use an 8 x 11 ½ sheet of white paper. Be colorful
and creative! This "book" will be presented along with a special cake during
school on the final week before her wedding in May.

We welcome your ideas. Given the hectic pace of our lives at this time of
year, this seemed like a reasonable assignment. If any of you want to create
something more elaborate, we are completely open for you to run with it.

Also, Heather's birthday is April ????? On this day, all we ask is that you
sign a card in carpool line and bring a flower in for a nice birthday
bouquet. Virginia and I will be in carpool line that morning getting your
signatures and collecting flowers. We will have some cupcakes and present
the flowers  and card to her at lunch.

Thank you and hope this sounds like a plan. Again, mark your calendars for
Sunday, May 2nd and pray for good weather!

Ginny Hobbs and Blair Robbins
Mahaney Grade Reps

Ginny Hobbs
2 Harris Glen
Atlanta, GA  30327
(H) 404-262-0614
(C) 404-245-3075

As you know by now, Ms. Mahaney will tie the knot in May. Mike and I will host an end of year parent/teacher (just 2nd grade teachers only) party on Sunday, May 2nd for all 2nd grade parents. It will be a Mexican theme and
there will be a modest cost associated with it.  (Please mark your calendars) At that time, Blair and I would like to present Heather with her wedding gift from the parents. We will begin collecting a contribution from each parent (optional) beginning after the Easter break.

We will also be asking each child in the class to prepare an “original” piece of artwork depicting what they think makes a good marriage. We will create a “book” titled the Top 20 Things Needed for a Good Marriage for
Heather Mahaney! Something like this. Be original, put the word or words up at the top of the page. Use an 8 x 11 ½ sheet of white paper vertical. Be colorful and creative! This “book” will be presented along with a special cake during
school on the final week before her wedding in May.

We welcome your ideas. Given the hectic pace of our lives at this time of year, this seemed like a reasonable assignment. If any of you want to create something more elaborate, we are completely open for you to run with it.

Also, Heather’s birthday is coming up this month. On this day, all we ask is that you sign a card in carpool line and bring a flower in for a nice birthday bouquet. Virginia and I will be in carpool line that morning getting your signatures and collecting flowers. We will have some cupcakes and present the flowers  and card to her at lunch. I'll send out something very specific as that time gets closer.

Thank you and hope this sounds like a plan. Again, mark your calendars for Sunday, May 2nd and pray for good weather!

Ginny Hobbs and Blair Robbins
Mahaney Grade Reps

Monday, March 15, 2010

Fwd(2): Pace Race Volunteers


 HI Grade Reps,

I wanted to follow up with you all and gather a list of people who signed up at orientation to volunteer at the Pace Race this year. If you can please email me back with their names, their grade and their email address if you have it. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank You,

Suzanne Shafer


 Greetings to all this post spring break:

Hope you had a great week off and getting back into the swing of things. Just a few things:

1. The Pace Race is around the corner on Saturday, April 24th in the morning. We need volunteers to help out for what is traditionally a fun aerobic morning for our Lower School families. The "jobs" are easy such as manning spots around the course, taking time cards at the end, etc. This is a great way to get hubbies involved, too. Please email back if you can help. Again it is a short volunteer time frame (7:30 ish to 9:00 ish) Also, consider if you have older MS or US children that might be able to help, too.

2. Is everyone okay with the PE rotation or do you need further clarification? It goes like this:
Whatever your child is first, you move to the right on the sheet that you should have gotten in your Friday folder. So if you are Sports Stations, you move to swimming next then tumbling last. Swimmers tumble next then finish with Sports stations and then tumblers, go to sports stations next and finish with swimming.  Here are the start and finish dates, you may have these so sorry for the repeat:
1st rotation:   March 16 to March 26
2nd rotation:   April 20th to May 3rd
3rd rotation:   May 4th to May 20th
Fitnessgram:    April 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 14th and 15th---so it looks like this is a break from the rotation so no swimsuits necessary, etc.
Field Day Practice:     May 24th
Field Day:              May 25th

Hope this helps.

I wanted to follow up with you all and gather a list of people who signed up at orientation to volunteer at the Pace Race this year. If you can please email me back with their names, their grade and their email address if you have it. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank You,

Suzanne Shafer
