Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A few things

First, Blair and I want to thank each of you for your contributions to Ms. Mahaney's bridal gift and for encouraging your children to finish their artwork project for her. We had pizza at lunch and opened presents. We were able to give her 4 place settings of her everyday china. She loved the booklet and everyone read their page out loud during lunch. Thank you for making this time special for her.

Second, Blair is coordinating drivers for the Tellus museum and desparately needs drivers. We still need 2 more and even an alternate is good to have. It is THIS MONDAY, May 3rd. Leaving Pace at 8:30 and returning by 2:00. Please email Blair if you can make it at

Thank you and look forward to seeing many of you at the parent social this Sunday.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Last call for all Amigos!

If you plan on attending our end of year 2nd grade parent social on Sunday, May 2nd, please respond to Deni-Kay Freier as soon as possible. Cost is $12.50 per person. We need to get the food count in early this week. Hard to believe it is almost May. Hope you can make it. Thanks!

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Monday, April 19, 2010

Wedding gift and artwork

Just another friendly reminder about Ms. Mahaney's wedding gift. Blair and I have firmed up with Ms. Jackson that we will present her the gifts next Wednesday, April 28. With that being said, we would like all artwork (theme is what your child thinks makes for a successful marriage) by this Friday in order to give Ms. Jackson time to help us put the booklet together. In addition, Blair is going shopping for Ms. Mahaney's wedding gift from us this week. I've heard from about 1/2 of you with contributions for the gift, thank you. Even if you can't send it for another day or two, please email me an amount that is forthcoming so that Blair can go ahead and make her purchase this week based on a pretty solid number. Contributions are from $10 to $25. No need to go over that. What a great gift she will get from us! Thank you.

Also, re: May 2nd. If you can attend the spring parent party at our house, please rsvp to Deni-Kay with your $12.50 per person. (checks are made our to her) Willy's is catering. Will be fun. She needs to call in the numbers by this Friday. Thanks.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Friday, April 16, 2010

Picture for Wedding and $'s for gift

What a great play today. They looked so cute and performed well. Quick reminder while we have the weekend in front of us to get your artwork in to Helen Jackson. Need $'s for the gift by WEDNESDAY, April 21 as we need to buy the gift soon. You should have a self-addressed/stamped envelope ready to go. Thanks so much. Appreciate your help.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pace Auction this Saturday

Dear 2nd Grade Parents:

The Knight Club is this Saturday Night April 10th at the Ritz Carlton - RSVP Now!
Can you believe that the Pace Auction is THIS Saturday night? It starts at 6pm at the Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead.  Tickets are only $125 per person .  There will  be gourmet food stations, open bar, live music, dancing, silent auction items and some great live auction items as well.

Don't miss this fun evening for all Pace Parents! RSVP online at:

Thanks and have a great week back at school.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Clarification: Field Day and picnic for 2nd Grade is TUESDAY, May 25-Sorry.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Class of 2020 Spring Update


Attached is an update on activities coming up in April and May that are school-wide as well as pertaining to our grade.

I'll call your attention to the Sunday, May 2nd Parent/Teacher Social for the whole grade. Mike and I are hosting. Please save the date (and pray for good weather!)

Enjoy your break and email me back re: volunteering for Pace Race.


Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade


Last night I accidentally sent a Mahaney birthday reminder to the whole grade when it was meant for just Mahaney's class. So sorry. Can I say April Fools? Anyway, my apologies.
Thanks for catching me.

Another all grade email is coming today that sums up many things going on in April and May for Pace and our grade. Please copy or save it as a reference. I will send updates as needed but this is a general overview. You can read it over the break--ha.

Thanks so much.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade