Wednesday, October 21, 2009

PE Rotation this Friday

Greetings--a few things:

PE: This Friday is the new PE rotation. The following will swim with the new rotation:
Alexa Levine, Ben Caldwell, Charlotte Little, Chloe Laursen, Daniel Lucke, India Behl, Isabelle Boughner, Jack Jacoby, Jack McCarthy, Julia Konradt, Lauren Stebbins, Mary Preston Singletary, Molly Buffenbarger, Morgan Payne, Nikki Rubin, Quill Healey, Rohan Jatar, Sam Adams, Thomas Siegenthaler, Zoie Freier--remember towel, suit in plastic bag!
I checked with Steve Cunningham and they do swim this Friday! And I think that does it for swimming this Fall-Yea!

Save the Date:
Etowah Indian Mounds and Mimosas!: As our kids head to the Indian Mounds on Nov. 5th,
Join us for Mimosas and Muffins
Dawn DiMeglios's house from 8:30 - 10:30 am
4028 Statewood Rd. Atlanta, GA  30342
P.S. Coffee will also be available!

Halloween Party is Fri. Oct. 30 from 2:15 - 3:00

Attached, updated email and cell phone list.

Happy Hump Day!

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Updated email list

There were a few corrections on the mom email and cell list.  Thanks and have a good week. New PE rotation coming up. Will send this week for the Fri. Oct. 23 changeover.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Thursday, October 15, 2009

GA Private School Tax Credit

To Second Grade parents:

Have you been hearing about the GA Tax Credit program but still have questions? Are you having trouble filling out the forms? If yes to these questions or have others, please call Ginny Hobbs at 404-240-9106 or and she or someone in the Advancement office can help you through the 3 easy steps to completing your forms. Last year, we raised $360,000 from approximately 100 families. We are aiming for 300 participants or $750,000 for scholarships. Your friends and relatives in GA can participate as well. If you are subject to the AMT, (alternative minimum tax) this program actually can help you lower your federal income tax — of course we cannot provide tax advice, so consult your tax advisor. To complete your forms, go to GA Private School Tax Credit Program

It's a no brainer--Redirect your GA taxes to education today! With a deadline of Nov. 1 the time is now. Thank you.

 It really is easy. Call me and I'll walk your through it! I'd love your feedback, if you think I should host a "drop by" the lower school and fill out your forms one morning, I'm happy to do that. Just want to know the scuttlebutt.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fwd(2): School-wide Teacher Appreciation

Hi all! As I was looking at the volunteers for baking cakes, I realized that we have only MS and US bakers. This luncheon includes the entire faculty and staff of Pace, and the teachers LOVE to win yummy cakes, especially if they are baked by parents of their students. As a grade rep, if you could take a moment to think of a few people in your grade that might be wonderful volunteers, please send me their names and email addresses. I would like to send the request out myself to a specific lot of folks rather than forwarding to the entire class in order to have a better handle on the numbers. You may read the description of the event below to better understand the event.
Please give me a shout if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Dear Pace Volunteers Extraordinare!
Each year the Parents Club hosts a luncheon for the entire faculty and staff during their In-Service day which falls on Monday, November 2 this year. This luncheon is just one of the ways we show our appreciation for all the time and effort that is put into making our children's experiences at Pace grand. A highlight of this event each year is the chance to walk away with a delicious homemade cake or prize.
Go through your recipe files and whip up your favorite cake or pie. Please bring your cake on a non-returnable plate to the Inman Center cafeteria on November 2 between 9:30and 11:00 AM. Please label your item with the type of cake. It is always fun if you choose to include the recipe as well.
If you just cannot find the time to bake, we understand. Gifts of any kind or gift certificates to local merchants like Starbucks, Whole Foods, Piece of Cake, etc. are also welcomed prizes. Gift certificates may be placed in the Parent Club mailbox at the Castle front desk by October 30th. We will gladly make arrangements to receive gift items prior to this time, or you may drop them off in the cafeteria before 11:00 November 2. We ask that you send us a quick email to confirm your gracious gift of a cake or other prize so that we may insure an adequate supply of fun! 
We realize that everyone is very busy, and understand if you are not able to participate in this event. Feel free to pass this email on to a friend who loves to bake. For those of you who can help, we thank you in advance for your support in making this a memorable event for our faculty and staff. 
Julia N Reynolds
404-219-5595 (c)

Martha Swain

Even if a few of you could help, that would be great. Just email Julia or Marth below. Apparently when the sign-up sheet went out this summer, the Lower School was inadvertantly left out. Thanks,

Dear Pace Volunteers Extraordinare!
Each year the Parents Club hosts a luncheon for the entire faculty and staff during their In-Service day which falls on Monday, November 2 this year. This luncheon is just one of the ways we show our appreciation for all the time and effort that is put into making our children's experiences at Pace grand. A highlight of this event each year is the chance to walk away with a delicious homemade cake or prize.
Go through your recipe files and whip up your favorite cake or pie. Please bring your cake on a non-returnable plate to the Inman Center cafeteria on November 2 between 9:30and 11:00 AM. Please label your item with the type of cake. It is always fun if you choose to include the recipe as well.
If you just cannot find the time to bake, we understand. Gifts of any kind or gift certificates to local merchants like Starbucks, Whole Foods, Piece of Cake, etc. are also welcomed prizes. Gift certificates may be placed in the Parent Club mailbox at the Castle front desk by October 30th. We will gladly make arrangements to receive gift items prior to this time, or you may drop them off in the cafeteria before 11:00 November 2. We ask that you send us a quick email to confirm your gracious gift of a cake or other prize so that we may insure an adequate supply of fun! 
We realize that everyone is very busy, and understand if you are not able to participate in this event. Feel free to pass this email on to a friend who loves to bake. For those of you who can help, we thank you in advance for your support in making this a memorable event for our faculty and staff. 
Julia N Reynolds
404-219-5595 (c)

Martha Swain

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fwd(2): Grade 2 Event Volunteers

I have attached the spreadsheet with grade volunteer summary.  There are four separate sheets in the file (listed at the bottom of the spreadsheet as Body, Lowery, Mahaney, and All).  The first three are in a grid format and the last is a summary more like a word chart.  I figured I would give people an option in how they like to view their information.  See if this all makes sense to you - I am sending the file just to you and not the other reps to get your feedback.
I have attached the spreadsheet with grade volunteer summary.  There are four separate sheets in the file (listed at the bottom of the spreadsheet as Body, Lowery, Mahaney, and All).  The first three are in a grid format and the last is a summary more like a word chart. The second attachment is the spreadsheet of emails and cells for the moms. Came from a few sources so if anything is incorrect, please email me back, I'll make changes and resend.
Hope everyone had a great break!


2nd grade reps.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Let me Know ASAP

Two things:

1. The grade reps are about to send you 2 spreadsheets, one with volunteer info on it, the other with parent contact info on it.
The contact sheet will have only mom's email and cell's on it. Please let me know if you DO NOT want this info shared.  Need to know by this Thursday. Do not email me back (get too many in the box) if you are OKAY with this.

2. Save the date: Mom's coffee on Thursday,  November 5th at Dawn DiMeglio's house 8:30 to 10:30 am after carpool.

Thanks and hope you are having a good week. No school this Friday or Monday, Fall Break. Enjoy!

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Toys and Books Needs Your Help

Hello everyone - we have been very successful collecting lots of terrific items for the Toys and Books sale that begins this Friday afternoon - now we need your help getting everything ready for the sale.  Several of you have already signed up to help and we appreciate it but we could use some more volunteers.  We will be setting up in the Inman Center from 9:30 - 2:30 this Friday October 2nd and then we hold a preview sale from 2:30-4:30.  If you could help us out for an hour (or two or three) please let Jennifer McCarthy know at or 404-805-0059 or just meet us there!

Thanks for helping make the 2nd grade event a success!

We could also use some help on the day of the Fair - especially from 2-4 and 4-5!

Hello everyone - we have been very successful collecting lots of terrific items for the Toys and Books sale that begins this Friday afternoon - now we need your help getting everything ready for the sale.  Several of you have already signed up to help and we appreciate it but we could use some more volunteers.  We will be setting up in the Inman Center from 9:30 - 2:30 this Friday October 2nd and then we hold a preview sale from 2:30-4:30.  If you could help us out for an hour (or two or three) please let Jennifer McCarthy know at or 404-805-0059 or just meet us there!

Thanks for helping make the 2nd grade event a success!

We could also use some help on the day of the Fair - especially from 2-4 and 4-5!

Toys & Books Preview Sale Come One and All!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of All Ages
It's Time for the Greatest Sale on Earth!

Thank you to all who donated - now it is time to shop!

Please join us for a sneak preview of the Toys and Books Sale.
We have terrific adult and children's books, puzzles, games, toys, sports equipment, dress-up clothes, room decor and so much more.

Friday, October 2nd

2:30-4:30 pm

Inman Center

(and of course during the Fall Fair)

Questions? call Jennifer McCarthy 404-805-0059 or




Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of All Ages
It's Time for the Greatest Sale on Earth!

Thank you to all who donated - now it is time to shop!

Please join us for a sneak preview of the Toys and Books Sale.
We have terrific adult and children's books, puzzles, games, toys, sports equipment, dress-up clothes, room decor and so much more.

Friday, October 2nd

2:30-4:30 pm

Inman Center

(and of course during the Fall Fair)

Questions? call Jennifer McCarthy 404-805-0059 or


