Monday, October 12, 2009

Fwd(2): Grade 2 Event Volunteers

I have attached the spreadsheet with grade volunteer summary.  There are four separate sheets in the file (listed at the bottom of the spreadsheet as Body, Lowery, Mahaney, and All).  The first three are in a grid format and the last is a summary more like a word chart.  I figured I would give people an option in how they like to view their information.  See if this all makes sense to you - I am sending the file just to you and not the other reps to get your feedback.
I have attached the spreadsheet with grade volunteer summary.  There are four separate sheets in the file (listed at the bottom of the spreadsheet as Body, Lowery, Mahaney, and All).  The first three are in a grid format and the last is a summary more like a word chart. The second attachment is the spreadsheet of emails and cells for the moms. Came from a few sources so if anything is incorrect, please email me back, I'll make changes and resend.
Hope everyone had a great break!


2nd grade reps.

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