Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 10, 2009

Dear 2nd Grade Parents:
This past week the Lower School Grade Representatives met.  Here are the highlights:
2009 Fall Fair Report
The fall fair raised over $100k!!!  It benefited the lower school by finishing the lower school conference room and fulfilling all of the LS teachers’ wish list like books, SRA reading lab, a digital blood pressure cuff and much more!!!  Thank you all that volunteered!!
2010 Pace Auction
The Pace Auction will be on April 10 at the Ritz Carlton Buckhead.  Mary Roos and Elizabeth Richards are chairing and need your help.  If you are interested in volunteering at any capacity please contact them ASAP. 
Thanksgiving Baskets for the Maintenance Staff due Nov 18
Please send a non perishable good or a Publix gift card for your child to contribute to the basket that will be presented to one LS staff person per 5th grade classroom for a Thanksgiving thank you for all you do for the LS.
Grandparents & Special Friends Day on November 24
Note 5th graders and siblings will take photographs with their Grandparents and special friends that day.
Taste of Pace Cookbook Report
The Pace Cookbook is coming along.  The committee has received 560 recipes.  They have only 150 recipes left to test.  Pre-book orders will be available starting at all Annie performances and books will be distributed in April 2010.  Contact Holly Mitchell if you want to be a taste tester. 

November 30-December 7 My Sister's House Toy Collection
58 children, ages 2 months to 16 years will benefit from this Lower School Holiday project that Pace (for 19 years) has adopted during the holiday season. You should have received a list of suggested items to purchase and do NOT wrap. Second grade brings an items for ages newborn to 7. My Sister's House administers to homeless mothers and their children by addressing their physical, social and spiritual needs.
Sing in the Season on December 6
All New students to Pace are to bring an UNBREAKABLE ornament to school.  New students will walk over to the upper school Christmas tree. While the middle and upper school chorus sing carols, new students will put their individual ornaments on the tree.  The ornaments will be put on the tree every year that your child attends Pace.  The ornament can be store bought or homemade.  We suggest something that has your child’s photo or name or religious preference.
Holiday Program
There will be two performances.
Wed, Dec 16 (Dress Rehearsal) at 1 p.m. –Extended family like grandparents and siblings, friends and neighbors are welcome to attend this performance.  
Thurs., Dec 17 at 7 p.m.  – Parents only can attend
Please park behind the FAC
2nd Grade Hanukkah Party
December 11  2:00 – 2:45 p.m. Our chairs are Dorie Schwartz and Gidgette Rubin
2nd Grade Christmas Party
December 18 11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Our chairs are Fran Konradt and Stephanie Husk

Teacher gifts for Christmas
There is no formal gift from the whole class. That happens at the end of the year. Suggestions are: donations to a favorite teacher's charity, a cute handwritten note from your child, a plant, food items, etc.

Suggested theme for our 2nd grade basket
Blair Robbins has agreed to coordinate the basket for our grade but would love your ideas for a theme or if you want to help co-chair this effort with her, she would be thrilled. Contact Blair at
We hope you and your children are having a great fall! Thank you to Dawn DiMeglio for hosting our fall coffee at her house recently.  On the horizon in January will be a mom's night out. Stay tuned...but in the meantime, hold on tight for the holidays! Enjoy and let's count our blessings

Stephanie Adams
Gabriela Carroll
Dawn DiMeglio
Deni-Kay Freier
Ginny Hobbs
Blair Robbins
Your 2nd Grade Representatives

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