Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fwd(2): 2nd grade auction basket theme




This year’s Pace auction will be held on Saturday, April 10 at the Buckhead Ritz Carlton.  The theme will be “The Knight Club.”


Each class P1-12 is responsible for providing an auction basket, and the theme for the 2nd grade’s basket must be determined by this Friday, December 11 (so sorry for such late notice!).  If you have something wonderful to contribute (great tickets for a local sports team, a vacation home, airline tickets, etc.), please let me know.


One great idea has already been suggested:  a “Beat the Recession” theme.  This basket would consist primarily of discount coupons that we solicit from a variety of favorite local stores, as well as other savings-related items (perhaps a donation of services from a CPA, etc.).


A few themes have already been claimed:

·         Lake House

·         Rock & Roll

·         Life's A Beach @ Seacrest Beach

·         Day & Knight Entertainment

·         Events, passes, gift cards

·         College Theme


Please let me know as soon as possible if you have ideas or a great contribution to get the basket  started.


Thanks so much!

Blair Robbins



Please see the very important announcement below:

This year’s Pace auction will be held on Saturday, April 10 at the Buckhead Ritz Carlton.  The theme will be “The Knight Club.”


Each class P1-12 is responsible for providing an auction basket, and the theme for the 2nd grade’s basket must be determined by this Friday, December 11 (so sorry for such late notice!).  If you have something wonderful to contribute (great tickets for a local sports team, a vacation home, airline tickets, etc.), please let me know.


One great idea has already been suggested:  a “Beat the Recession” theme.  This basket would consist primarily of discount coupons that we solicit from a variety of favorite local stores, as well as other savings-related items (perhaps a donation of services from a CPA, etc.).


A few themes have already been claimed:

·         Lake House

·         Rock & Roll

·         Life's A Beach @ Seacrest Beach

·         Day & Knight Entertainment

·         Events, passes, gift cards

·         College Theme


Please let me know as soon as possible if you have ideas or a great contribution to get the basket  started.


Thanks so much!

Blair Robbins


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