Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fwd(4): Musical Mornings

Hi Anna, Thanks so much for helping us out. here is the email. Evia


We are well into our second year with program at the Lower School called Musical Mornings Concerts (“MMC”).   MMCs are informal musical performances in the cafeteria on Wednesday mornings before your child is dismissed to his/her classroom.  Our goals are many:

·         to expose the students to a variety of music,

·         to provide opportunities for (US and MS) students, faculty, staff, parents, and friends to perform for a live audience,

·         to teach the audience (our children) positive concert participation and behavior, and

·         to start each Wednesday with some music and a smile!


To help the program to succeed, we need your participation! 

·         If you have any musical talent you’d be willing to share, please do!  Be a performer!  You don’t need to be extraordinarily talented…just willing and somewhat able (and awake).

·         Send your child to school by 7:35 on Wednesday mornings so he/she may catch the show.

·         Talk it up!  Tell your friends!  If you know someone who might be willing to perform early in the morning, send them my contact info!


Any questions or to volunteer your talents, please contact Stephanie Ross at





We are well into our second year with program at the Lower School called Musical Mornings Concerts (“MMC”).   MMCs are informal musical performances in the cafeteria on Wednesday mornings before your child is dismissed to his/her classroom.  Our goals are many:
·         to expose the students to a variety of music,
·         to provide opportunities for (US and MS) students, faculty, staff, parents, and friends to perform for a live audience,
·         to teach the audience (our children) positive concert participation and behavior, and
·         to start each Wednesday with some music and a smile!
To help the program to succeed, we need your participation! 
·         If you have any musical talent you’d be willing to share, please do!  Be a performer!  You don’t need to be extraordinarily talented…just willing and somewhat able (and awake).

·         Talk it up!  Tell your friends!  If you know someone who might be willing to perform early in the morning, send them my contact info!
Any questions or to volunteer your talents, please contact Stephanie Ross at

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