Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Attention 2nd Grade Boys

I'm sending this again, many did not get the last message:

All Boys 1st - 3rd Grades
It's time to join scouting
Parent's meeting: Thursday, Oct. 1
6:30 pm
Pace Lower School Cafeteria
Contact Ashley Baker at
abaker@atlantabsa.org with questions.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Fwd: Conference Care!

Don't forget:  Conferences are TOMORROW!

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

 We just wanted to send out a reminder for Conference Care for September 30th.
We do still have space, but because we staff for the kids we are expecting, please register by Today!

Let us know if you have any questions!
Barbara Boukater

Go Knights!

Barbara 'Xena' Boukater
Director, Summer Programs
MS Girls Volleyball Coach
MS Girls Basketball Coach
(404) 926-3708
fax: (404) 240-9135

Attention 2nd Grade Boys


Ashley H. Baker
District Executive
Atlanta Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
1800 Circle 75 Parkway SE, Atlanta, GA 30339
770-989-2870 (office)
770-956-5981 (fax)





See below.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Anna B. Valerius
Head of Lower School
Pace Academy
404 240-9105

Please forward this email to parents of boys in grades 1, 2 and 3.  Thank you!

----- Original Message -----



Ashley H. Baker
District Executive
Atlanta Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
1800 Circle 75 Parkway SE, Atlanta, GA 30339
770-989-2870 (office)
770-956-5981 (fax)





Friday, September 18, 2009

Swimming this week are...

According to my records: those students who started out kicking last rotation will swim:
The date for the new rotation is Sept. 22nd which is this upcoming Tuesday, you will need to bring a bathing suit and towel in a plastic bag. The following will begin swimming this upcoming week:
Aidan Gannon, Alan Tapper, Allie Appel, Austin Fullyer, Ben Crawford, Ben Tolliday, Claire Wierman, Connor Husk, Elle Arnold, Ethan Drake, Harrison Saini, Isabella DiMeglio, Jackson Hamel, Jordan Upchurch, Julia Kelly, Lilli Woodruff, Matthew Friestad, Payton Payne, Perrin Kendall, Rachel Kann, Virginia Hobbs

All others will kick or tumble. I'm just reporting swimmers as they will need to remember to bring swim suits to school. Plan to have a dry swimsuit ready to go each day.

This ENDS on Oct. 21st.

Hope this helps. Thanks and have a good weekend.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

LS Workshops with Mark Crawford

Hi Ginny-
Judy sent me this flier and asks that it be forwarded to parents.
Can you do this for her??

I am meeting Frank at the Woodruffs at 10:00 to pickup some of the remaining items.
He mentioned there is some alcohol remaining.  Can I purchase this from the class?  Would that help?  Or - do you want it for another event??
I will let you know the count later today.    (Please call me on my cell if you need me to get anything for you while I am there....404-210-3199).

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Judy Body" <jbody@paceacademy.org>
Date: September 16, 2009 9:00:28 AM EDT
Subject: parent meeting

Hi Dawn,

The attached was sent to me by Lori Zwecker.  She asked that we remind parents of this event.  Could you please send this out to second grade parents?  
Are you the best contact for this kind of thing or should I ask Ginny Hobbs?  



Please see the attached information about the LS workshops for 2nd and 3rd grade parents
Who: Mark Crawford
Wed. Sept. 23rd; 8:30-10:00 in Knights Hall
He is fabulous.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fwd(2): FW: Toys & Books Needs Your Help!

Ginny – I added one sentence to the text – if you haven’t already sent the previous version, would you please send this one?  If the first version has already gone out, it’s not a problem at all. Thanks!




Toys & Books needs your help!  The second grade sponsors the Toys & Books portion of the Fall Fair on October 3.  Pace parents donate gently used toys and books during morning and afternoon carpool from September 15 to September 29, and these items are then sold at the Fall Fair.  All second grade parents are asked to help if at all possible.


We need your help at the following times:

·        Shifts during morning and afternoon carpool from September 15 to September 29 to help with donations,

·        Shifts on October 2 to help with setup and the presale to Lower School teachers, and

·        Shifts on October 3 during the Fair to help with sales and clean-up.


The available shifts and specific times are in the three attached pdf files.  If you see a shift that you are able to fill, please contact Blair Robbins at bcrobbins@mindspring.com


Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered!




Toys & Books needs your help!  The second grade sponsors the Toys & Books portion of the Fall Fair on October 3.  Pace parents donate gently used toys and books during morning and afternoon carpool from September 15 to September 29, and these items are then sold at the Fall Fair.  All second grade parents are asked to help if at all possible.


We need your help at the following times:

·        Shifts during morning and afternoon carpool from September 15 to September 29 to help with donations,

·        Shifts on October 2 to help with setup and the presale to Lower School teachers, and

·        Shifts on October 3 during the Fair to help with sales and clean-up.


The available shifts and specific times are in the three attached pdf files.  If you see a shift that you are able to fill, please contact Blair Robbins at bcrobbins@mindspring.com


Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Parent Social: See RSVP list

I hope everyone is having a good week. Quickly see attached rsvp list to make sure I have everything correct. I also like to know if you are unable to make it, but if a check is forthcoming in the mail, just let me know.

Again, our 2nd grade social is next Thursday, Sept. 10 from 7-9 pm at the home of Ann and Buck Woodruff. Look forward to seeing everyone. We have a great crowd attending!

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade