Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fwd(2): FW: Toys & Books Needs Your Help!

Ginny – I added one sentence to the text – if you haven’t already sent the previous version, would you please send this one?  If the first version has already gone out, it’s not a problem at all. Thanks!




Toys & Books needs your help!  The second grade sponsors the Toys & Books portion of the Fall Fair on October 3.  Pace parents donate gently used toys and books during morning and afternoon carpool from September 15 to September 29, and these items are then sold at the Fall Fair.  All second grade parents are asked to help if at all possible.


We need your help at the following times:

·        Shifts during morning and afternoon carpool from September 15 to September 29 to help with donations,

·        Shifts on October 2 to help with setup and the presale to Lower School teachers, and

·        Shifts on October 3 during the Fair to help with sales and clean-up.


The available shifts and specific times are in the three attached pdf files.  If you see a shift that you are able to fill, please contact Blair Robbins at


Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered!




Toys & Books needs your help!  The second grade sponsors the Toys & Books portion of the Fall Fair on October 3.  Pace parents donate gently used toys and books during morning and afternoon carpool from September 15 to September 29, and these items are then sold at the Fall Fair.  All second grade parents are asked to help if at all possible.


We need your help at the following times:

·        Shifts during morning and afternoon carpool from September 15 to September 29 to help with donations,

·        Shifts on October 2 to help with setup and the presale to Lower School teachers, and

·        Shifts on October 3 during the Fair to help with sales and clean-up.


The available shifts and specific times are in the three attached pdf files.  If you see a shift that you are able to fill, please contact Blair Robbins at


Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered!


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