Wednesday, September 16, 2009

LS Workshops with Mark Crawford

Hi Ginny-
Judy sent me this flier and asks that it be forwarded to parents.
Can you do this for her??

I am meeting Frank at the Woodruffs at 10:00 to pickup some of the remaining items.
He mentioned there is some alcohol remaining.  Can I purchase this from the class?  Would that help?  Or - do you want it for another event??
I will let you know the count later today.    (Please call me on my cell if you need me to get anything for you while I am there....404-210-3199).

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Judy Body" <>
Date: September 16, 2009 9:00:28 AM EDT
Subject: parent meeting

Hi Dawn,

The attached was sent to me by Lori Zwecker.  She asked that we remind parents of this event.  Could you please send this out to second grade parents?  
Are you the best contact for this kind of thing or should I ask Ginny Hobbs?  



Please see the attached information about the LS workshops for 2nd and 3rd grade parents
Who: Mark Crawford
Wed. Sept. 23rd; 8:30-10:00 in Knights Hall
He is fabulous.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

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