Monday, May 24, 2010


Attention all 2nd grade parents: Parents are encouraged to attend.
See you at Field Day tomorrow: Tuesday, May 25th
Activities begin and end on the back field at 9:00 am and end at 11:30 am. No Inman Center activities as exams are being held there. Wear your field day shirt rain or shine and also bring a bathing suit and towel.
After field day, all 2nd grade parents and children will convene on the Castle front lawn for a picnic lunch. Bring a blanket or towel.
NEWS FLASH. IMPORTANT: You don't have to bring lunch for your child. Thanks to you for having 100% participation in the Annual Fund, the Advancement Office will treat your child to Peros pizza that day. No need for parents to bring lunch for the children. (if parents still would like to bring a sandwich for yourself or sibling, that is fine, or if your child does not like pizza, please provide his/her lunch)
Drinks: Water is being provided by the grade reps
Dessert: chocolate chip cookies being provided by the grade reps
We will also acknowledge our teachers with a gift from the class.
WHAT IF IT RAINS? You don't come. You pick your child up at 11:30 in front of the Randall House. There is no picnic or cafeteria lunch and we reschedule our pizza party.
Looking forward to celebrating our end of year picnic with you! Have a good weekend.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Friday, May 21, 2010


Attention all 2nd grade parents:
Save this. Here is the scoop for Field Day this Tuesday, May 25th:
Activities begin and end on the back field at 9:00 am and end at 11:30 am. No Inman Center activities as exams are being held there. Wear your field day shirt rain or shine and also bring a bathing suit and towel.
After field day, all 2nd grade parents and children will convene on the Castle front lawn for a picnic lunch. Bring a blanket or towel.
NEWS FLASH. IMPORTANT: You don't have to bring lunch for your child. Thanks to you for having 100% participation in the Annual Fund, the Advancement Office will treat your child to Peros pizza that day. No need for parents to bring lunch for the children. (if parents still would like to bring a sandwich for yourself or sibling, that is fine, or if your child does not like pizza, please provide his/her lunch)
Drinks: Water is being provided by the grade reps
Dessert: chocolate chip cookies being provided by the grade reps
We will also acknowledge our teachers with a gift from the class.
WHAT IF IT RAINS? You don't come. You pick your child up at 11:30 in front of the Randall House. There is no picnic or cafeteria lunch and we reschedule our pizza party.
Looking forward to celebrating our end of year picnic with you! Have a good weekend.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

IMPORTANT: Strings Class: Questions and Answers

Hi Ginny -
Here is the communication about the strings class.   Could you forward this to all of the 2nd grade families whenever it is convenient?
Dawn xo

Lower School String Class:  Questions and Answers 

Recently, your rising 3rd or 4th grader brought home information about the opportunity to play a strings instrument and be instructed by Tara Harris during the Pace Academy school day. 
Here are some questions and Tara's helpful answers about joining Strings ....

  1. If my child chooses to play a stringed instrument will he/she also be able to join Minstrels?  Assuming the schedule remains as it is this year, strings does NOT interfere with minstrels. Most of my students this year participated in both.
  2. The sign-up form mentions that in 5th grade "Strings is a year long commitment".  Does that mean that instruction is not all year in 3rd and 4th? Or - does this mean that 3rd and 4th graders are welcome to drop out of the group during the school year?    3rd and 4th grade do indeed continue through the entire year however this year for 3rd and 4th we are giving students until October 1st to try it out and make their final decision.  Of course I encourage ALL students to give it a shot for at least the full year in order to get the full benefit, exposure and experience (i.e.; performances and field trip!)
  3. Do we let the children decide now what they want to play and then find the instrument over the summer?  Students may decide which instrument they prefer but they will all be measured in class on the first day to be sure they get the correct size. Students may choose between the violin, viola, cello or bass.  (Guitar and harp are not an option for this class although it is a bonus if students do already play one of these instruments since they tend to grasp the concept of a new instrument quicker.)
  4. Where is the best place to find string instruments for growing children?  I work with a rental company that supplies and services the student rental instruments. They are easy to work with, very convenient and the instruments are great quality! Parents will do nothing except fill out the rental agreement/application and the instruments will be delivered to Pace.  As the children grow - the rental company will exchange a larger instrument for a smaller model. 
  1. How many days will the students have Strings Class in the 8 day cycle?   3rd and 4th grade students will have strings 3 days out of the cycle. 5th grade will meet 4 times per cycle.
  2. What is the recommended instrument practice time after school?   I recommend 15-30 minutes of practice time daily however I am well aware of the time constraints and the varying schedules throughout the year. Therefore, I don't necessarily "enforce" it so much as try to keep the students motivated and interested enough to want to practice on their own.  Obviously - the students who do practice tend to get the full benefit of learning their instrument and preparing for the final concert in the spring.  Many aspects or songs may come easy to some students so they may not need to practice the same amount for each one addressed in class.  I am flexible and willing to help in any way to insure that students make the most of their experience in strings for the year!

If your child did not bring home this form (or if you would like to receive an additional copy) please contact your homeroom teacher.
Students interested in playing a string instrument next year will need to submit a completed form to Anna Valerius before July 1.
If your child would prefer to play a band instrument - the band instruments will begin in 4th grade.

Many thanks to Dawn DiMeglio for getting these very helpful answers. Hope this helps.

Lower School String Class:  Questions and Answers 

Recently, your rising 3rd or 4th grader brought home information about the opportunity to play a strings instrument and be instructed by Tara Harris during the Pace Academy school day. 
Here are some questions and Tara's helpful answers about joining Strings ....

If my child chooses to play a stringed instrument will he/she also be able to join Minstrels?  Assuming the schedule remains as it is this year, strings does NOT interfere with minstrels. Most of my students this year participated in both.
The sign-up form mentions that in 5th grade "Strings is a year long commitment".  Does that mean that instruction is not all year in 3rd and 4th? Or - does this mean that 3rd and 4th graders are welcome to drop out of the group during the school year?    3rd and 4th grade do indeed continue through the entire year however this year for 3rd and 4th we are giving students until October 1st to try it out and make their final decision.  Of course I encourage ALL students to give it a shot for at least the full year in order to get the full benefit, exposure and experience (i.e.; performances and field trip!)
Do we let the children decide now what they want to play and then find the instrument over the summer?  Students may decide which instrument they prefer but they will all be measured in class on the first day to be sure they get the correct size. Students may choose between the violin, viola, cello or bass.  (Guitar and harp are not an option for this class although it is a bonus if students do already play one of these instruments since they tend to grasp the concept of a new instrument quicker.)
Where is the best place to find string instruments for growing children?  I work with a rental company that supplies and services the student rental instruments. They are easy to work with, very convenient and the instruments are great quality! Parents will do nothing except fill out the rental agreement/application and the instruments will be delivered to Pace.  As the children grow - the rental company will exchange a larger instrument for a smaller model. 
How many days will the students have Strings Class in the 8 day cycle?   3rd and 4th grade students will have strings 3 days out of the cycle. 5th grade will meet 4 times per cycle.
What is the recommended instrument practice time after school?   I recommend 15-30 minutes of practice time daily however I am well aware of the time constraints and the varying schedules throughout the year. Therefore, I don't necessarily "enforce" it so much as try to keep the students motivated and interested enough to want to practice on their own.  Obviously - the students who do practice tend to get the full benefit of learning their instrument and preparing for the final concert in the spring.  Many aspects or songs may come easy to some students so they may not need to practice the same amount for each one addressed in class.  I am flexible and willing to help in any way to insure that students make the most of their experience in strings for the year!

If your child did not bring home this form (or if you would like to receive an additional copy) please contact your homeroom teacher.
Students interested in playing a string instrument next year will need to submit a completed form to Anna Valerius before July 1.
If your child would prefer to play a band instrument - the band instruments will begin in 4th grade.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

ERB's and Music

Sorry - I am not sure how that got there...obviously I need an editor!...and check out that subject line on this email...."2ng"....;-)
Thanks for proof reading for me!!  Here is a better copy...

Recently, your second grader should have brought home information about a new opportunity to play Strings in 3rd grade.  
If your child did not bring home this form (or if you would like to receive and additional copy) please contact your homeroom teacher.
Students interested in playing a string instrument next year will need to submit a completed form to Anna Valerius before July 1.
If your child would prefer to play a band instrument - the band instruments will begin in 4th grade.

On May 15, 2010, at 3:24 PM, Ginny Hobbs wrote:

Lools good but what does it mean in red? July 1instrument?
Dawn Di Meglio <> writes:
Hi Ginny,
Judy Body thought it would be a good idea to send the following announcement to the 2nd grade class.  I typed the following message...could you proof it and send it to the class?  Thanks!! 
Have a great weekend! Dawn

Recently, your second grader should have brought home information about a new opportunity to play Strings in 3rd grade.  
If your child did not bring home this form (or if you would like to receive and additional copy) please contact your homeroom teacher.
Students interested in playing a string instrument next year will need to submit a completed form to Anna Valerius before July 1instrument.
If your child would prefer to play a band instrument - the band instruments will begin in 4th grade.

Ginny Hobbs
Advancement Officer
Phone: 404-240-9106


Recently, your second grader should have brought home information about a new opportunity to play Strings in 3rd grade.  
If your child did not bring home this form (or if you would like to receive and additional copy) please contact your homeroom teacher.
Students interested in playing a string instrument next year will need to submit a completed form to Anna Valerius before July 1.
If your child would prefer to play a band instrument - the band instruments will begin in 4th grade.

Also: ERB's begin Monday. Be sure your child gets a good night sleep.

Ginny Hobbs

Friday, May 14, 2010

Special Subject Teacher Gift-Last Call

LAST CALL!      If you have not yet contributed, it is not too late.  We still need more contributions to match last years’ gifts!                                            

Dear fellow Pace Lower School parents,

It’s that time of year again!  As done in past years, we are organizing a group gift from all the Lower School students to appropriately thank special subject teachers and staff  (including traffic guards, maintenance and kitchen staff) for all that they do.  This enables us as a group to provide each of them with a very much appreciated year end bonus!*

        If you would like your child or family to be included in this gift (which will include a card listing all who have contributed) please write a check payable to Susan Graham and either leave it in the Lower School office or mail it to her home address at 4840 Lansbury Drive, NE , Atlanta, GA, 30342.  (please mail only if I can receive it by Monday, May 17th!)

        The deadline for donations will be Monday, May 17th!   Please remember our special subject teachers and all our Lower School staff by writing your check today!

Thank you,
                Susan Graham,   404-386-4209,                  

*Individual homeroom teachers will receive separate gifts as determined by grade representatives.  The amount contributed for by each family is NOT shared and is absolutely discretionary.  A suggested amount is been $20 per Lower School child but any amount is greatly appreciated!  

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Monday, May 10, 2010

Re: Calloway Garden Driver Needed!!!!!

I can do it if you still need someone! Let me know where to be.
Happy healing!

Sarah Asher

On May 10, 2010, at 8:10 PM, "Second Grade Rep" <> wrote:


I know it's last minute but I was wondering if anyone could drive to Calloway Gardens tomorrow. It will be all day, from 8-4, but is supposed to be super! If anyone wants to and can, please let me know ASAP at   It would be extremely helpful since I sprained my ankle and can't walk.  

As always, thanks.


Calloway Garden Driver Needed!!!!!


I know it's last minute but I was wondering if anyone could drive to Calloway Gardens tomorrow. It will be all day, from 8-4, but is supposed to be super! If anyone wants to and can, please let me know ASAP at   It would be extremely helpful since I sprained my ankle and can't walk.  

As always, thanks.
