Friday, May 21, 2010


Attention all 2nd grade parents:
Save this. Here is the scoop for Field Day this Tuesday, May 25th:
Activities begin and end on the back field at 9:00 am and end at 11:30 am. No Inman Center activities as exams are being held there. Wear your field day shirt rain or shine and also bring a bathing suit and towel.
After field day, all 2nd grade parents and children will convene on the Castle front lawn for a picnic lunch. Bring a blanket or towel.
NEWS FLASH. IMPORTANT: You don't have to bring lunch for your child. Thanks to you for having 100% participation in the Annual Fund, the Advancement Office will treat your child to Peros pizza that day. No need for parents to bring lunch for the children. (if parents still would like to bring a sandwich for yourself or sibling, that is fine, or if your child does not like pizza, please provide his/her lunch)
Drinks: Water is being provided by the grade reps
Dessert: chocolate chip cookies being provided by the grade reps
We will also acknowledge our teachers with a gift from the class.
WHAT IF IT RAINS? You don't come. You pick your child up at 11:30 in front of the Randall House. There is no picnic or cafeteria lunch and we reschedule our pizza party.
Looking forward to celebrating our end of year picnic with you! Have a good weekend.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

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