Friday, May 14, 2010

Special Subject Teacher Gift-Last Call

LAST CALL!      If you have not yet contributed, it is not too late.  We still need more contributions to match last years’ gifts!                                            

Dear fellow Pace Lower School parents,

It’s that time of year again!  As done in past years, we are organizing a group gift from all the Lower School students to appropriately thank special subject teachers and staff  (including traffic guards, maintenance and kitchen staff) for all that they do.  This enables us as a group to provide each of them with a very much appreciated year end bonus!*

        If you would like your child or family to be included in this gift (which will include a card listing all who have contributed) please write a check payable to Susan Graham and either leave it in the Lower School office or mail it to her home address at 4840 Lansbury Drive, NE , Atlanta, GA, 30342.  (please mail only if I can receive it by Monday, May 17th!)

        The deadline for donations will be Monday, May 17th!   Please remember our special subject teachers and all our Lower School staff by writing your check today!

Thank you,
                Susan Graham,   404-386-4209,                  

*Individual homeroom teachers will receive separate gifts as determined by grade representatives.  The amount contributed for by each family is NOT shared and is absolutely discretionary.  A suggested amount is been $20 per Lower School child but any amount is greatly appreciated!  

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

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