Saturday, May 15, 2010

ERB's and Music

Sorry - I am not sure how that got there...obviously I need an editor!...and check out that subject line on this email...."2ng"....;-)
Thanks for proof reading for me!!  Here is a better copy...

Recently, your second grader should have brought home information about a new opportunity to play Strings in 3rd grade.  
If your child did not bring home this form (or if you would like to receive and additional copy) please contact your homeroom teacher.
Students interested in playing a string instrument next year will need to submit a completed form to Anna Valerius before July 1.
If your child would prefer to play a band instrument - the band instruments will begin in 4th grade.

On May 15, 2010, at 3:24 PM, Ginny Hobbs wrote:

Lools good but what does it mean in red? July 1instrument?
Dawn Di Meglio <> writes:
Hi Ginny,
Judy Body thought it would be a good idea to send the following announcement to the 2nd grade class.  I typed the following message...could you proof it and send it to the class?  Thanks!! 
Have a great weekend! Dawn

Recently, your second grader should have brought home information about a new opportunity to play Strings in 3rd grade.  
If your child did not bring home this form (or if you would like to receive and additional copy) please contact your homeroom teacher.
Students interested in playing a string instrument next year will need to submit a completed form to Anna Valerius before July 1instrument.
If your child would prefer to play a band instrument - the band instruments will begin in 4th grade.

Ginny Hobbs
Advancement Officer
Phone: 404-240-9106


Recently, your second grader should have brought home information about a new opportunity to play Strings in 3rd grade.  
If your child did not bring home this form (or if you would like to receive and additional copy) please contact your homeroom teacher.
Students interested in playing a string instrument next year will need to submit a completed form to Anna Valerius before July 1.
If your child would prefer to play a band instrument - the band instruments will begin in 4th grade.

Also: ERB's begin Monday. Be sure your child gets a good night sleep.

Ginny Hobbs

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