Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fwd(2): PE Activity Dates for the Fall

Please see the attached concerning our PE schedule.

Also, I need final rsvp's this week for our parent social. If you are not coming, let me know as well so I'll have a better idea who is left.

Thanks and have a great week.

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

----- Original Message -----

Ginny Hobbs
Phone: 404-240-9106

----- Original Message -----

Good Morning All,

I have attached the rotation dates and class roles for the Fall.  I will only do this when swimming is one of the rotations as parents like to have a heads-up about the swimming rotation.  The kids will rotate as a group after 7 to 10 PE days, they will rotate alphabetically (P1st Movement to Swimming, Swimming to Tumbling, and Tumbling to Movement etc.. - 1st - 3rd Kicking Skills to Swimming, Swimming to Tumbling, & Tumbling to Kicking Skills, etc..).  This will take us to Thanksgiving.

Have a blessed day,

Steve Cunningham
Chair Physical Education Dept.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Toys and Books

Hi Second Grade Parents:

As you may know, the Second Grade is responsible for Toys & Books at the Fall Fair on October 3.  Unfortunately, the sign-up sheets for Toys & Books volunteer opportunities that were at orientation last week have been misplaced. 

If you signed up to help with Toys & Books during carpool prior to the Fair or on October 2nd or 3rd, please email Blair Robbins at

We will have the sign-up sheets at the parent gathering on September 10 as well, as we still need many more volunteers. 

If you would like to sign up prior to the parent gathering, please email Blair.  Volunteers are needed:

·         during carpool (7:45-8:30 am and 2:45-3:30 pm on September 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29)

·         on October 2 (set-up and pre-sale shifts running from 9:00-4:30)

·         on October 3 (Fair day shifts running from 10 am – 5 pm)

Thanks for your help, and we apologize for the inconvenience!

Ginny Hobbs, Communications rep
Second Grade

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week of August 24

Week of August 24:

Class photos tomorrow--Don't forget to look nice
                          Girls attire:  dress/skirt, no athletic shoes
                          boys attire: slacks with a belt; dress shirt tucked in with a tie; no athletic shoes

Also, see below about Parenting Connection:

Dear Lower School Parents,

Hello and welcome back to school!  We are excited to announce that this September Parenting Connection (formerly Pace 2), the parenting education and networking division of the Parents Club, is holding a series of parenting workshops led by Dr. Mark Crawford for all Lower School parents.   Each workshop will include an overview of relevant, grade-specific parenting issues and a discussion of scenarios that parents might encounter.  The following list details workshops:
  • 4th and 5th grade parents - September 9th in Knights Hall at 8:30 – 10 am
  • Pre-1st and 1st grade parents - September 16th in US Pres. RM at 8:15 – 9:45 am
  • 2nd and 3rd grade parents - September 23rd in Knights Hall at 8:30 – 10 am
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the workshop for your child’s grade!
Parenting Connection is adding more programs for Lower School parents because our experiences in Middle and Upper School have confirmed the vital role parent networks play in enabling exchange of ideas, experiences, information and support among parents.  Our goal is two-fold:  parent education and parent networking.
Dr. Crawford will be providing some helpful parenting education ideas, and you can help facilitate continued parent networking.  We are looking for a few or even a group of parent volunteers for each grade who will attend the workshop AND plan follow-up parent networking get-togethers.  These gatherings can be whatever you choose, (for example coffee or brown bag lunches).  They are simply opportunities for parents with children in the same grade to get to know each other better, to enjoy each other’s company, and to support each other as parents.  A strong parent network helps children grow in the support and safety of a community that is united for their well-being.
Please volunteer to help facilitate your grade’s parent network!  If you are interested, please email one of us to let us know (see below).
We look forward to seeing you in September!
Thank you,
Ashley Reckford
Members of Parenting Connection Team

Thank you and have a great week.

Ginny Hobbs
Communications rep
Second Grade

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Second Grade Parents:

Greetings. I am the communications "guru" for the second grade.

I hope everyone is off to a great start today. Real quick. I'll be updating emails over the next several days. Please see info below concerning many of you with gmail accounts as many have not been receiving my emails:

We have gotten several calls from parents that use Gmail accounts.  Email sent from you are getting put into their spam folders instead of their inboxes.

Here is a support page on the Pace website that explains how to resolve this issue.

Also, thank you for your rsvps to the parent social and for signing up for functions for the 2nd grade.

More is forthcoming. I just want to make sure everyone is getting my emails.

Thank you and enjoy the rest of your week!

Ginny Hobbs
Grade Rep, Second Grade

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

As many of you know, one of our fourth grade families, the Loughrans, have a five year old son, Jordan, who had a bone marrow transplant this June. Jordan is recovering well but his immune system is still much weaker than that of a healthy child.  While illness will always be present during the school year, it would be a great help to this family if you could make sure you adhere to the Pace Handbook guidelines concerning illness.  These guidelines are listed below. Thank you in advance for your help with this.

Illness at school: Should a child become ill during the school day with fever
of 100.2 or higher, vomiting or diarrhea, the parents will be contacted to
take the student home. Facilities do not permit extended care of a sick child,
and parents are expected to make every effort to come as soon as possible.
A child who is running a 100.2 degree fever or higher or showing other signs
of illness including an unexplained rash or vomiting or diarrhea in the prior
24-hour period should not be sent to school. The student should be fever
free without medication and/or on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning
to school.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Toys and Books sale

Hello and welcome back to school!  Second grade is responsible for the Toys and Books sale at the Fall Fair on October 3rd.  This event requires lots of volunteers to make it a success.  We will have sign up sheets at orientation tomorrow morning.  We wanted to give you a heads up so you could look at your calendars and pick a shift or two (or three) to help us out.

Here is what we will need:  

  • Volunteers to accept donations at the Rooms To Go Truck during morning and afternoon carpool.  The morning shift runs from 7:45am - 8:30am and the afternoon shift from 2:45pm - 3:30pm.  We will be accepting donations for the 10 days leading up to the Fair (September 15th - September 29th) so we will need lots of volunteers!

  • Volunteers to work shifts to set up the sale and work the presale on Friday, October 2nd.

  • Volunteers to work shifts at the sale on Saturday, October 3rd.

We know we can count on you to help us make this event a huge success!

Thanks - your Toys and Books Chairs

Alexa Dudley
Jennifer McCarthy
Blair Robbins
Anna Shippen

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fwd(2): popsicle party

I hope everyone has had a great summer and beginning to get ready for the beginning of school next week.  Two things we want to make sure you know about:

1. Popsicle party...See attached; please rsvp to Blair Robbins at
2. Reminder about the second grade parent social...see attached.
3. Orientation, do not forget: Tues. August 18. Meet your second grade reps beginning at 9:00 in the science room to volunteer for parties and field trips; our homeroom meeting is at 11:00 following the general meeting for all parents. If you have other siblings, check the orientation schedule for your appointed times.

We look forward to seeing everyone this upcoming Monday at 10:30 on the castle lawn.

Thanks and enjoy these remaining days of summer.

Ginny Hobbs
Director of Annual Giving
Phone: 404-240-9106

Mass Test

Did you get this in your google rss reader?

Hopefully so!

George Sokolsky
Pace Academy Computer Dept.