Monday, August 17, 2009

Toys and Books sale

Hello and welcome back to school!  Second grade is responsible for the Toys and Books sale at the Fall Fair on October 3rd.  This event requires lots of volunteers to make it a success.  We will have sign up sheets at orientation tomorrow morning.  We wanted to give you a heads up so you could look at your calendars and pick a shift or two (or three) to help us out.

Here is what we will need:  

  • Volunteers to accept donations at the Rooms To Go Truck during morning and afternoon carpool.  The morning shift runs from 7:45am - 8:30am and the afternoon shift from 2:45pm - 3:30pm.  We will be accepting donations for the 10 days leading up to the Fair (September 15th - September 29th) so we will need lots of volunteers!

  • Volunteers to work shifts to set up the sale and work the presale on Friday, October 2nd.

  • Volunteers to work shifts at the sale on Saturday, October 3rd.

We know we can count on you to help us make this event a huge success!

Thanks - your Toys and Books Chairs

Alexa Dudley
Jennifer McCarthy
Blair Robbins
Anna Shippen

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