Tuesday, August 18, 2009

As many of you know, one of our fourth grade families, the Loughrans, have a five year old son, Jordan, who had a bone marrow transplant this June. Jordan is recovering well but his immune system is still much weaker than that of a healthy child.  While illness will always be present during the school year, it would be a great help to this family if you could make sure you adhere to the Pace Handbook guidelines concerning illness.  These guidelines are listed below. Thank you in advance for your help with this.

Illness at school: Should a child become ill during the school day with fever
of 100.2 or higher, vomiting or diarrhea, the parents will be contacted to
take the student home. Facilities do not permit extended care of a sick child,
and parents are expected to make every effort to come as soon as possible.
A child who is running a 100.2 degree fever or higher or showing other signs
of illness including an unexplained rash or vomiting or diarrhea in the prior
24-hour period should not be sent to school. The student should be fever
free without medication and/or on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning
to school.

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