Monday, August 24, 2009

Week of August 24

Week of August 24:

Class photos tomorrow--Don't forget to look nice
                          Girls attire:  dress/skirt, no athletic shoes
                          boys attire: slacks with a belt; dress shirt tucked in with a tie; no athletic shoes

Also, see below about Parenting Connection:

Dear Lower School Parents,

Hello and welcome back to school!  We are excited to announce that this September Parenting Connection (formerly Pace 2), the parenting education and networking division of the Parents Club, is holding a series of parenting workshops led by Dr. Mark Crawford for all Lower School parents.   Each workshop will include an overview of relevant, grade-specific parenting issues and a discussion of scenarios that parents might encounter.  The following list details workshops:
  • 4th and 5th grade parents - September 9th in Knights Hall at 8:30 – 10 am
  • Pre-1st and 1st grade parents - September 16th in US Pres. RM at 8:15 – 9:45 am
  • 2nd and 3rd grade parents - September 23rd in Knights Hall at 8:30 – 10 am
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the workshop for your child’s grade!
Parenting Connection is adding more programs for Lower School parents because our experiences in Middle and Upper School have confirmed the vital role parent networks play in enabling exchange of ideas, experiences, information and support among parents.  Our goal is two-fold:  parent education and parent networking.
Dr. Crawford will be providing some helpful parenting education ideas, and you can help facilitate continued parent networking.  We are looking for a few or even a group of parent volunteers for each grade who will attend the workshop AND plan follow-up parent networking get-togethers.  These gatherings can be whatever you choose, (for example coffee or brown bag lunches).  They are simply opportunities for parents with children in the same grade to get to know each other better, to enjoy each other’s company, and to support each other as parents.  A strong parent network helps children grow in the support and safety of a community that is united for their well-being.
Please volunteer to help facilitate your grade’s parent network!  If you are interested, please email one of us to let us know (see below).
We look forward to seeing you in September!
Thank you,
Ashley Reckford
Members of Parenting Connection Team

Thank you and have a great week.

Ginny Hobbs
Communications rep
Second Grade

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